Sunday, June 26, 2011

Three Little Words

Yep, back on a Frankmusik kick this weekend. Sometimes when I go back and listen to something I have listened to before the words make better sense. Like this little ditty perhaps. I attribute the need to go back to looking at my friend's facebook and having it spark a Milli Vanilli track, thank you. However, it was more than made up for by the sweet Beastie Boys video she also had on there.

Still doing more of the same stuff as yesterday, it is also nice to keep up the fierce senitment of the previous days blog as I think I pulled something in my shoulder at work and now that aches, and it has no bearing whatsoever on whether I will be going to work in an hour or not. I did find a fun activity for Wednesday, if the BF has the time. Which is another score for team ME today, as I was really having some issues with finding things to do on a Wednesday that were fun, but not hugely time consuming. So, the old stand-by of dinner and a movie was what I went with --as I enjoy both. But, I switched the venues and we are going to see the movie in 3-D. Anyway...

Keeping this one quick, I am hoping all who are reading my stuff are enjoying it. I am trying desperately not to be antsy about it. But, it's tough. I really love what I write so it is a little like giving your kid to a babysitter, then expecting that sitter to critique your parenting skills in a long drawn out and slightly condescending manner. "I'm sorry--but, Timmy is a God damn drooler. Oh, and he's filthy dirty. You should just buy him a helmet right now and hope too many people don't see him."

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