Monday, June 13, 2011

Growing Flock

Yeah, okay, so recently my sister K got me a Serta Sheep plushie from the neighborhood garage sales this weekend in Woods Park, which sadly I was not able to attend any of because I had to work. She got me #44 and he has a cute little tag that says "Out of Work, Thanks to Serta". I just love him -think he is darn adorable.

So, I decide it would be a fun thing to collect. They are just a little hard to come by as you had to buy a Serta mattress to get them, but they seem to be plentiful on the internet. This little guy in the picture is my newest member of my counting sheep flock. He is in the mail already and I got him on ebay for very reasonable. I honestly haven't bought anything frivolous that I didn't absolutely, desperately need in a very, very long time so it felt great really.

I used to collect Mr. Potatoheads that were movie themed --I have the Star Wars-themed "Darth Tater", "Spud Trooper" and "R2-POTATOO", the Transformers film-themed "Optimash Prime",  Spider-Man (red suit)-themed "Spider-Spud/Peter Tater",  and an Indiana Jones-themed "Taters of the Lost Ark". I missed out on collecting the Iron Man themed "Tony Starch" and the later Transformers themed "Bumble Spud". Plus, all the ones that were released specifically from Disney resorts that you had to be there to collect. It was still a pretty sizable collection, I had them all out and displayed for a very long time --then, about two months ago after contemplating that a real live boy might come anywhere near my bedroom I put them all in a box and sent them to the basement --all of them in pristine condition, never out of the boxes. I didn't want to be totally exposed as a huge Cinephile with fangirl tendencies right away when my tattoo does that pretty well later on. They are simply well preserved jokes in their see-through containers for me to enjoy at a later date. "You play with dolls?" "Uh, no --they're action figures!"

So, I figure a little flock of counting sheep on the bed is a little more adult. Also, slightly afraid the dog will go secret them away for his humping pleasure. For some reason he is very attracted to them, has already attempted to carry Mr. 44 away for a little romp...luckily I was there to save him. "No, no, Pootie-poo, you are not Scottish and that is not your sheep. Bad doggie."

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