Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Case of the blahs...

Yeah, okay, so I got a case of the blahs. It's nothing serious. Honestly things in general have been oka-a-a-ay, I guess. Even kind of good. but, my attitude today is 'meh'. Like I'm bored and restless and not very positive. I cannot for the life of me seem to figure out why exactly.

I even have some nice plans -the BF and I are going to see that new Pirates movie. Which will probably be somewhat entertaining, not great, but well worth the $5 admission probably, even in 2D. And the fam is stopping by on the way out of town so I get to say goodbye to them and have really had a lovely time seeing everyone, really. Sister D is coming over to do laundry, maybe. My day off was excellent. So why am I so unsatisfied?

I don't even have anything to say really. I want to have things to say, but everything seems so boring. Well, I have been staring at this for ten minutes with nothing better to say, so I suppose I just post it and let the winds decide how things should blow today. I'm sure I will have something to say about the movie after I watch it so at least there is that to look forward to. Or just more blah, I guess.

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