Saturday, September 3, 2011

Shake-That-A$$ Saturday

With the horrifying way I slept last night I was certain it had to be close to the full moon. Nope, first quarter coming up, so I must be getting a 'waxing' build up to the big moon. I am starting to feel like things are improving, whether they really are or not, I guess. Mood is in the general up swing. So, as I was weeding through my music, I stumbled across this one. Another old one. I worked out to it this morning. Needed to get inspired.

Per the last one I switched up the old workout --added crunches to my not crunchy midsection. Worked my arms out until they felt floppy like waving arms balloon guy outside the used car lot. And my a$$ hurts. I know it will be worth it. I also have drank two glasses of water already. So, that is on track. Against the wall, People, against the wall.

And because I could not sleep, I did fudge a little on the whole 'not looking around for dates' mantra I had set for myself. I took the initiative and e-mailed some guy. It wasn't even to get a date really, he has a cat and doesn't smoke -both of which tend to be deal breakers for a girl who is allergic and smokes like a factory chimney. Still, it is important to practice and he was nice to talk to for a while, kind of fun. We certainly did not have the conversational chemistry that I had with my recent Ex-Bf, but this dude liked football and what not. It was healthy to just engage in a little electronic flirting anyway. But, I'm not stupid, I would never ask a man to give up the kitty he currently has even for a brilliant, fun kitty like I have -that would be cruel, I know what it is to love a pet. Ah, C'est l'amour.

I am also teeth-chatteringly excited about my fantasy draft today. I can not wait to get my team so I can start doing some in-depth research and start planning a strategy. I had an ever so slight block on the writing last night, this one was not about plot conflict, I got to the scene where we are getting it on and those type of scenes take inspiration, imagination, and a lot of delicate work play --and last night I was a little too wound up myself to really give it the concentration it demands. And anyone who thinks that writing sex scenes is easy, I dare you to try it once or twice. It's almost the hardest (no pun intended) part. Other than trying to make it funny, interesting, and worth reading. I have also been doing more research into publishing and I have almost decided --it is between Lulu or CreateSpace. I simply now have to decide which one. So, advisement on either is always appreciated. Either way, I have given myself a deadline of December to see something in print. I can do this.

1 comment:

Brewmaven said...

Dood, my most favorite Gwen Stefani song. Rad. I am also waiting for this draft to get started. Some guy that lives with me said it only takes a couple of hours, but he was wrong. Mama needs her team! Damn his false hope!