Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Darker Shadows

This one is one of my all time favorites, because it is totally true. Absolutely and totally true. I enjoyed his style, certainly, when it was fresh and new I loved it. But, you have to release Johnny Depp right now, just let him go...he's a good actor and can do other things. If you want to, you can also release Helena, but you married her, so keep her if you like. Just stop putting them in everything you make --we are starting to doubt you can work with anyone else.

So, now they are remaking 'Dark Shadows'. My mom loved Dark Shadows, she watched it on TV all the time. She would tell us the plot lines of the episodes sometimes, when we weren't reading Nancy Drews, for bedtime. It seemed like a very cool show --like a 1970's kind of True Brood --including vampires, werewolves, and witches, with a distinctly Gothic flavor. I tried watching it but, never really got into it. I can't say I am excited about seeing it being resurrected for the Tween Twilight Lover's kids roaming the streets in droves, but hey, whatever makes them money, I suppose.

Interesting day off. Not much happened, but relaxing. Back to work tomorrow and all bloody weekend. Yeehaw. This run on the Missoni stuff is crazy -- I read an article that people are doubling and tripling what they paid for things and selling them on the Internet. That is f-caking-crazy. One of those ugly sweater dresses sold for like $300 they cost like $34.99. We did have some stuff left of the brand when I left on Tuesday night, but it is highly doubtful this morning. I don't have any money to do the turn around on items like that anyway, so I suppose I don't really care. Well, I'm trying not to care anyway. I am really, really trying not to care....

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