Friday, September 23, 2011

The New Girl...(Or the Same Girl, Repackaged)

So, this is what I wore to the interview yesterday. I have vowed that I would start to love every single picture of me. And this one I liked enough to update it to my primary on the dating website. Far be it from me to take the advice of an arrogant a$$ on a dating website, but I updated it because that is what I look like now. This is me. I am beautiful because I love me --not because of what anyone else thinks. Although, I will admit I haven't had this much fun looking at myself model underpants in the mirror in a long, long time. Ha, ha. The shine on my boobs is only there on film. It's a cashmere sweater, it happens --but, yesterday you totally couldn't see them like that.

Now to get those stupid teeth fixed and we will be all set and self-confident all the time. So, working out this morning felt pretty good. The sweat seemed to be more worth it. The ache and extra minutes on the treadmill were just a little sweeter. We can do this, it is indeed achievable (which some days is totally in doubt). I needed to post this one so I can look back at it when I need some motivation. Sorry if it seems a bit self-indulgent.

Things are going well. I should know how the interview went in about a week, they said. But, I have a good feeling about it and I thought it went okay. I worked on keeping this one shorter than my last. It was only about an hour, which should suffice, I think. It is a great branch of the state and does many of the same things my previous office jobs did, actually. So, I wait patiently, and thank god I still have another job, just in case.

Also, got my roster prepped for this weeks match-up in my fantasy league. I dropped one of my crappy WR's and picked up a guy whose been doing pretty well. I'm gonna start him and see how it goes. The girl I am up against has a fair team, but a really good Def. I have a good RB's and an great QB, but my Def is a little lacking. We shall see, I am still supremely confident I will win. I am also kind of happy because this week the only other two teams with 2 week winning streaks go up against each other --so one of them will have a loss --or they will tie. Which still puts me squarely on top, barring some spectacular playing from my opponent. (Insert maniacal laughter here.)

Having dinner with the Ex this evening. This is the part where we see if this 'being friends' thing will actually work. I am nervous about it for some reason. I know I shouldn't be, but I've never been able to be friends with my Ex's, up to this point. I mean we e-mail a lot, but that is different than seeing them in person. Which kind of reminds me that he hurt me. Hmmm. I am going to simply try to relax and have a good time. However, the minute he tells me he is dating someone else, I will probably not talk to him anymore --as I don't want to even know about that, it is painful and makes me queasy. But, that is neither here, nor there really, it is about time to grow up and toughen up.

1 comment:

Brewmaven said...

The incredible shrinking H! Wow! You are lookin' good! Would you be able to pack up a small amount of your mojo and send it my way? Pretty please?