Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Recommendations and Report

Ha, so funny story....yesterday when I got the e-mail that my interview had been rescheduled, I asked quite innocently if I should bring anything with me (i.e. a copy of my resume, etc). I got a really lovely e-mail back saying that they indeed had a copy of my resume already, but if I wanted to bring in letters of recommendation I should do that. Uh, oh. Slightly old fashioned in this day of tech I-can-find-anything-about-you-on-the-internet (Thank God the blog here is anonymous). Sure, I had one that I asked for from someone a long time ago, but nothing current.

Dang, so I e-mailed all the old work buddies and bosses I could get my hands on (some of whom where references and some of whom were not, thank you, Facebook) and begged them for letters of recommendation --because, as usual, I want this job intensely and immensely. I have one from the bestie, which pretty much glows on the page, and have another coming from a very good friend I had lost touch with but had written a letter of recommendation for previously. So, that's two. I think that will have to do. Better than, "Well, I simply don't have any." Sheesh. I hate doing that to my friends all last minute, so rude and inconvenient for them.

Speaking of rude and inconvenient, K came through her breast surgery very well. She is super sore and said that the Novocain they gave her did not work very well, but she is tough and got it all done. Now they biopsy the tissue, which we are pretty sure is just another package of cyst cells bundled together like the last one. She has a really good attitude about it and considering even ten or twenty years ago it would have meant some kind of mastectomy or in-the-hospital surgery with a big fat scalpel, medical science on this has come a very long way, which is super comforting to know. She was super pissed that they made her take another mammogram after the surgery, just super pissed. Oh, well. I'm gonna wear my 'I Love Boobies' pink bracelet to work tonight to show support.

1 comment:

Brewmaven said...

Glad to hear that K is alright. Man that sucks. Good luck on your job interview today! You will rock it like Justin Timberlake rocks a beat!