Saturday, May 28, 2011

On the Oregon Trail of life...

This one is a little warning to all my traveling friends and loved ones. Be safe hauling ass in your wagons westward (or eastward for that matter) on those trails. People drive too fast and don't look around enough. Be so very careful as you are important to me and I would like to have all of you back safe after your various weekend activities. Wear that seat belt and go just a little slower for me because it's not that important to make it any place faster if you never make it. Oh, and avoid dysentery, if possible, and if I remember correctly from the game, snakes, as well.

Oddly, on a weekend when just about everyone I know is out of town, headed for fun summer activities, I am at home waiting to go to work and working the whole damn weekend pretty much after that, which blows --totally blows. I'm not jealous, per say, but it does give one the distinct feeling of being left out. Still, I can't say much, I need the work and the pay check from it pretty badly, at this point, and really my idea of 'roughing it' is staying at a Motel 6, so camping has never really been my thing. There are bugs and too much sun and awful things happen like when you roast marshmallows they get sticky all over ya and you have no place to wash thoroughly enough to get not sticky for three days. Yuck. Still, I like the way fire smells outside and hanging out with people.

As mentioned previously the BF is off to the races, so Thursday night I invented a new game, which I thought the readership might enjoy as some of them also have boys who travel extensively. It's called simply enough 'The Boyfriend Travel Game'. And how it works is that every night I send the BF a song, to let him know I am thinking about him. I know it's a little sappy, but it's like putting a note inside a lunchbox. Kind of a sweet surprise, a little surprise kiss. Gives ya that quick feeling of warm fuzzy good, like an arm tossed over you in the middle of the night saying 'Hey, I'm right here.' So, I kind of tailored the songs to be little catchy romantic things. He seemed to enjoy it. This same effect can be achieved by putting a little note in their suitcase before they leave for somewhere, as well, or like I said in a lunchbox.

When I was a very much younger girl, I had forgotten something important and my Dad had to bring it to school for me (let's just say it was of the feminine variety and I could not live without it). When he dropped it off, he uncomfortably handed me a big brown paper bag and gave me a hug and left. So, I ran down the stairs to the restroom. When I opened it up there were a variety of feminine products, but on top of all of them were about five Lil Debbie brownies and jelly rolls. It was his way of saying he cared, that he loved me and wanted me to have a good day, and I will never forget it. So, I try subtly sometimes to affect people the same way --you can never tell the moments that people will remember, but I try to make them like that. Subtle, tactful reminders that I care.

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