Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Through the long and narrow course of my life I have learned some very important lessons, first among them is that 'the anticipation of a thing can sometimes be better than the thing itself ever could be'. And really, with the right mindset this makes a day incredibly exciting. It also makes my birthday and Christmas some of my favorite holidays ever. Because as cool as they always turn out to be --anticipating them for a month makes me crazy excited.

We are now coming up on --the return of the God damn Jedi with my bestie finally being back in town. You know how you watch an awesome music video and it's all this crazy party, rapper's making it rain, strippers stripping, people dancing, drinks flowing, confetti sparkling, and lights flashing? Well, that is how cool it is in my mind. Very rarely does it end up being that over-the-top hardcore, but occasionally.

And with the spring fever being intense this year and for some reason the hormones going a little off --I am a little afraid to loose the chained up party girl for going out purposes. She's been in the basement carving wicked things on the walls, click-clacking her new heels back and forth on the cement, and working that nice girl business skirt up while pulling that deep Vee t-shirt into a deeper Vee then the law allows. She whispers and scrapes against the vents "We should color our hair. We need to go dancing. Do remember that one time we did that one thing? Yeah, we should do that again."

I press my eyes close and stammer back, "No, that was a bad thing. We'll go out sometime soon."

"I've been down here for months --you don't even take me with you on dates anymore. I wanna go out!" She hisses it angrily back up the vent, smearing her glitter make-up on the wall.

"Well, my boyfriend is not interested in crazy party girls so you will just be staying right there." I roll my eyes to the darkened ceiling, slightly lamenting that overly social, dance addict's lunatic ravings. "Honestly, it's bad enough when you show up in my blogs and make me look crazy."

"No worse than having you pretend you don't have a wild celebutante nature that no one knows about." She sighs plunking down on the cold cement floor hand to face regretting that wet rag, insecure smart girl using her body right now. "If we don't go out soon. I'm leaving."

I jump out of bed, slamming toward the vent. "Hey, hey, don't say that. We'll go out this weekend, okay? I promise. I know it's repressing. I know."

"I can wear my new shoes?" She cocks her head to the side, interest once more piqued for action, twirling her neon glow sticks with her neon fingertips.

"Sure, we may even go dancing...." I sigh, once more resolute to feed the monster, step forth into hazy laughing summer in a flurry of fashion and bubbling glasses served up to tickle the nose of fate. The anticipation of it is so palpable, at this point, I'm chewing on it like a chew toy. Squeak, squeak, squeak.

1 comment:

BrewMaven said...

Ummss! Ummss! Ummss! You know what that is? Yeah, you do. It's time to break out the party pants. I've been wanting a martini soooo bad and while I can't promise that we'll end up in Canada with weird tattoos, I can safely say we will enjoy ourselves no matter what.