Monday, May 2, 2011

The Agenda...

Cha-Ching, we are ready for a brand new week in a super great month. Many cool things happening. This week the schedule is Monday --Walmart night with sister D, Tuesday --Interview (and its going to go well, I swear it), Wednesday --Cleaning, still open space day, Thursday --Date night going to see movie at the Ross with my boyfriend, Friday --lunch with Franna Banana. Whew. For an unemployed person I am very busy.

Super cool news as I got the confirmation that bestest best friend will indeed be in town this month, although thankfully not this week as I am booked pretty solid. Hoping to be able to surprise her by being gainfully employed by that point. Please, please, please (Smith's song reference).

Also continuing to work on vampire story sequel, which is coming along swimmingly. Got to talk to sister A who is an avid reader of what I have been writing, which I like. She said she really like that last story and thought that the heroine was great. I consider that a very positive thing. I am going to convert the novels to PDF and send them to her so she can read them too. I love warm fuzzy feedback --really I love any feedback because it give me things to think about and change within what I do. My editor's suggestions have been priceless and have spawned some great re-writes on things. It would be nice to hear back from the publisher, but they are only five weeks in on an eight week deadline so I attempt to wait patiently.

Other than that really life is very positive today. Thinking about getting a hair cut as the Frohawk is getting abit out of control. Ah, there's something for Wednesday --$5 eyebrow wax and $10 haircut at the mall. Now I'm rock solid on plans.

1 comment:

BrewMaven said...

Good luck on your interview! I'm sure you will do fantastic! I love the blog picture! You know me and German things, so funny! Yay! Good Week!