Sunday, July 3, 2011

Kind of Lucky...

Yeah, I really can appreciate a best friend, because really not that many people like 'gingers' so they are hard to come by.

Sheesh, just got an e-mail from the bestie, who had a rather wild night in Omaha concerning her cousin's bachelorette party --and really her family drama sometimes just puts mine to shame. Had it been my cousin, I would have walked plain and simple. I know that the stress surrounding a wedding, and believe me I've been involved in enough to know, is tough, but being Bridzilla Rex does no good to anyone and being ungrateful will get you a punch in the face.

Anyway, we are hanging out on Wednesday and the bestie wants to stop by and say 'hi' on Tuesday --which is rather dangerous considering I will be on the sixth and final day of closing at work and already have been searching for good excuses (or not so great excuses) to not go in ---but, I gotta go in anyway. I just have to, even if I don't really want to. I am totally excited to see her even if I have no $ to do anything fun. We have things to chat about and catch up on and I have no idea how she feels about summer fashion right now. That is just strange. Or music she's listening to that I should be listening to. Or her new vegan menus. Dang.

And really --thank God for my bestie and my boyfriend for giving me some totally excellent things to look forward to this week, because today I am wearing down a little. Okay, like a lot. I am tired and my shoulders hurt and even with my magnificent insoles my feet hurt a bunch this morning. Still, I have great things to look forward to -with some awesome people -so I am in good spirits and might just make it though okay. I am still teeth chatteringly excited about the museum on Saturday and it is a carrot on a stick infront of me to think that Wednesday I get to hang in the pool and get wasted with the bestie. I am lucky, so very, very lucky that people care about me, want to hang out with ME. It's a great feeling -makes you all warm and fuzzy- and I would never take you guys for granted, not ever. Yes, I will wear your tuxedo t-shirt with pride and harbor, quietly, feelings that you might just be a little prettier than me and be okay with that. Yes, I do give head in the car, if the trip is an hour or longer. Just yes, yes, yes -- today I am grateful like a muthafu*ker.

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