Friday, August 19, 2011


Today, we made peace with the whole break up thing. I feel better about it, in general. Sometimes people just aren't meant to be together romantically. Sometimes it just doesn't work. That is all there is to it really. I consider this a very positive thing, partially because I am going drinking tonight and really, even if I felt like it earlier in the week --no good comes of binge drinking after a break-up. I actually drank until I blacked out the weekend I broke up with R after eight years. Nothing good at all. So, tonight we hit the bottle moderately, no need to drown our sorrows, there is no sorrow about it any longer. The Ex-BF was/is a good kid, we can hope we have not damaged him irreparably.

So, moving on....I have this great outfit for the going out tonight. The bestie and I are gonna hit the haymarket and we have decided to 'dress up'. So, I am wearing the boots I bought six months ago with a dress I wore to my high school reunion (and it looks super hot now like I wanted it to look a couple years ago). I am very excited about it and it should be a rocking good time. I have missed her immensely. I want to save some space for a post-party post so this one will be short. Yeah, short like my super hot dress, short, People. :)

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