Thursday, October 6, 2011

Working 2 Live Or Living 2 Work

God, now I have nothing interesting for my blogs. All I have been bloody doing is going to work --literally, that's it. I don't even get to look forward to the weekend, as I simply go to another job on Saturday and Sunday. Also, as this is just the start I also am seeing none of the benefits right now, such as, oh, I don't know, money.

I also put in to have one day off for the conference I'm going to with D and A next month and they freaked out. The HR lady actually told me that I should have mentioned I needed this day the interview. What the hell? Really? Then when I told her it was an anime conference she suggested that I not tell anyone that as it would be denied as a frivolous activity. So, now new work gets to judge why I am asking for time off? Gheesh. I should have just called in sick that day and not told them anything. They sure say they want you to be honest, but if it is not an activity they think is 'worthy' of time off they certainly are quick to judge. Crazy.

And that is just one of the new interesting things about this job. There are a great many. But, really, I need to get into bed and stop blogging late night. I came home and napped from like 5p to 10p so I felt like it would be okay to get back up and do some things I had been putting off. One of the very cool things to mention is that if I get my paperwork in tomorrow, my benefits should kick in Nov 1st, so I can set up a dental appointment shortly after that --hopefully, not have to take any time off for it, too. Need to find a dentist that takes appointment at 5:30. Perfect teeth, here we come.

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