Thursday, October 27, 2011

Life Bar at Full Again.

So, what did you do yesterday? Oh, me, yeah, it was the first night I have had no plans for a very long time so...when I got home I changed my clothes laid down and went to bed. That's right, I slept all night until this morning and I have to tell you, I feel pretty good about it. I feel well rested finally and like I might be back on track to do more things today. Sometimes you just need a night like that.

Not to mention that there was still a bunch of discord in my home so I wanted to stay out of the way. I'm not sure how that one will turn out, but we shall see. Tonight, when I get home, we will be tackling some cleaning that I have left for a while 'until I had time', which appears to be now. It's not going to be fun, but it does have to be done. And that is really about it. About to re-domesticate myself a little.

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