Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The State

Today is gonna have to be a quick one as I have a bunch of things to do. But, I have an interesting fact for ya. How long does it take to appy for a job with the State? Well, two weeks to submit an application and answer supplimental questionaire.

So, I've already waited those two weeks and really I'm getting kind of anxious about it so I e-mail them and ask how long the process take and maybe what the steps are. I am respectful and polite. The answer recieved back two days after the e-mails say that the step of having the agency who wants you call you to set up an interview is a....wait for it....3 to 5 week process. To call to set up an interview.

So, with a heavy sigh and unemployment sitting on my shoulder like a pirate with a parrot, I am submitting other applications again today. I am starting to get just a little tired of things not working out. It would be nice to catch a break on something, just a little thing.

Not the end of the world of course, but there were also difficulties with my FASFA recently due to me paying off some loan interest. For some reason when I filled it out it said I was poor, because naturally unemployed people are poor. So, it turned out really well, I was up for Pell and more access to better loans, but then I get an e-mail yesterday that says due to information recieved from NDSL, my expected family contribution if now over 8K. What in the heck? So, I get to call them both and that should be massively fun.

Yep. If the powers that be could cut me just a little slack it would be much appreciated. Totally appreciated.

1 comment:

BrewMaven said...

It took a whole month before I was called into an interview for the state here. And then it took another 5 weeks to start the job. The state is not a well oiled machine.