Monday, March 28, 2011

Busy Week to Follow...

Yeah, busy weekend. And this week looks likes it's gonna be even busier, or more busy, I can't think of which one is correct right now.

K rented a truck today so now we have to load all of D's furniture today because she doesn't want to do it this weekend, she wants to get it done now so it won't interfere with T's Westlemania party on Sunday. And yes, I said 'Westlemania Party' it is his b-day gift and exactly what he asked for. I will be attending for the food and because I live here too. Awesome.

So, today I was going to clean my room, just in case my date on Thursday goes so well I need private space with this guy, (Which is more of a hope and a good excuse to clean a room I have been procrastinating about cleaning for a while.) but, instead I am getting ready to move furniture, which I really don't want to do. Anyway, I also set up a telephone interview for tomorrow at 1:30pm and have an in-person interview at 4pm. They are both for kind of just jobs I need because I need money. I do not hope for either to be a career and should the state call me I will be taking that job instead, but whatever, I gotta do all the prep and pretend like I totally want them because I NEED the money. Sigh.

Still as far as things go, attitude is positive today and I am ready for a good day. And a busy week ahead. I really need to pick up the story I put down on Friday and really go to town on it. It has some great potential to be a great story if I can just work out some of the more boring moments in it. Great dialogue too.

Well, that's blog for now.

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