Thursday, December 8, 2011

What Louise and I Have In Common....

And we both ride the fucking bus as of tonight. It's not that the Honda is broken. It's not. Well, the light on the brakes went from yellow to red tonight on the hour long, white knuckled drive home from downtown tonight, but that is not the reason. Okay, so yeah, it is kind of the reason.

With all the f-caking snow and the roads being so awful and parking being heinous (like a six block walk for free parking or a $9 a day charge for the garage), I really had to look at it from an economical stand point. A bus pass costs me $7.50 for 31-days of rides to and from work, and the fifteen minutes extra I would lose in the morning so I can walk to the bus stop on time. While, the Honda costs me a bunch in gas and a bunch in parking. I also am entirely responsible if I hit someone or something happens while I am in the car, this is not so with the bus. Although I would have to put up with weird people on the bus, which I kind of hated the last time I had to ride it like ten years ago.

Still, even fending off weirdos does seem to be a good economical alternative. And if I ride the bus all winter, than by the spring I will have enough money saved up to fix the brakes and get her that tune-up and new tires she needs so desperately. So, I'm gonna suck it up and ride the bus tomorrow. Humble pie tastes awful, but I'm hoping it may have a sweet aftertaste. You do what you have to. If I really needed to I could walk my ass downtown. People walk everywhere. I've got functional legs. So, yeah, it sucks, but tomorrow I'm riding the bus to and from work.

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