Saturday, December 10, 2011

That's A Big Pile Of....

So, this week kind of flew by. There were some good things and some really crap things that happened, pretty much as usual. Also, as usual, my terrific friends and family have made it so that I mostly remember the good stuff. Bestie has been having problems that number in the millions, but faces them with strength and resilience that I both admire and envy. Sister D lost her job and is suffering from some kind of illness, but hopefully will be back on track soon.

My dating life took a nose dive, but I am almost fully recovered from it, at this point, and...and don't pass this one around as it makes me seem really weak...but having a best guy friend has really made it so I can wait for something better than what all these douchebags are trying to sell me right now. It's gonna be the gold medalist of dating who can actually treat me better than K does, at this point. He may have been unpracticed at first and there are some things he still has to learn about it, but he has morphed into a great real-life representation of a gentleman in my mind. He's kind and sweet, polite and strong, smart and articulate, handsome and open to my suggestions about things, honest and funny. It is to my benefit that he is somewhat shy and takes some time to get to know, because if he were out-going he'd definitely have another girlfriend by now and would have stopped talking to me . I'm kind of dreading that, but have moved passed it abit and as he really is my friend, most of all I want him to be happy. So, should that happen I will suck it up and pretend (at least in front of others) that I'm cool about it. He deserves to fall in love with a pretty girl who will love him the way I wanted to.

And, finally, I wrote a couple more pages on one of my shelved stories. I don't think I'm gonna make my December deadline for publishing, but I am attempting to install a budget which will make that and some car repairs a reality. I've got one check this month to finish my Christmas shopping and pay rent from so there is little wiggle room for going out. Which is also okay, because this year for some strange reason, I have been getting cold sores like once every two months, as opposed to the usual, one every six months or so. It could be stress, it could be a lot of things, but facial leprosy is one of those things that will keep me inside like a damned hermit. So, we work out, we write, we dream our big dreams alone, quietly, we make time for family and friends, we focus on our job and doing that well. It's still a very busy schedule, but filled with less social activities and a bit more staying home. I'm in the playoffs this week for my fantasy football league. I'm hopeful about it, but who knows, it is anyone's game right now. Wish me luck and a little Tom Brady magic.

1 comment:

Brewmaven said...

I think 2012 is going to be a fantastic year and December is just the end of 2011 dumping the rest of it's crap on us so it can get a better tax refund.