Monday, December 26, 2011

Family Pirate!

Ah, so an 'After Christmas' blog. Normally, this would be where I b*tch about the disappointment of getting splendid thoughtful gifts for people and not really receiving what I wanted for Christmas. But, do you want to know's not. I got every single thing I asked for, except a Dick In A Box. And really, I did even get an e-mail from Mr. Emotionally Unavailable, But Physically Available, so I think that equates to it.

Today, sister K helped me put together my office chair that I am sitting on right now and we laid out the new rug and they both are fabulous! I love them. My Tom Brady Jersey is hanging up on the closet door, in its place of severe honor. My sock monkey hat is with my coat for wearing out. On my desk is sitting my new e-reader/tablet which is charging. And the very last thing to be taken out of the box is my new Blueray player so I can hook it up to my TV. I need to get an HDMI cable for it, so it may wait a bit until Pay Day. They are all the awesomest gifts ever. I have nothing left to want.

And this is the best part, it's not even over. K's Kitten Christmas is today. He is coming over to pick me up at 3-ish and we are gonna have even more Christmas fun. I don't want to spoil it, just in case he is reading this, but on top of the two sweaters and sherpa couch blanket that I gave him early, I have something for him to unwrap and a couple little nice stocking stuffers for him. I also got his mom and dad a Christmas lighthouse, because when I was over there for Thanksgiving there were lighthouses everywhere. He said that his mom really liked it so that made me feel about ten feet tall. His general presence in my life is more than enough of a gift for Christmas (introduces me to new music all the time, sends me funny things on e-mail nearly everyday that always cheer me right up if I need it, goes out with me to the symphony and the movies, etc.) so if he did get me anything at all that is just gravy. Sweet, handsome boy.

The bestie liked my Christmas present to her, too. Even though it was too heavy to send, so I had to send her an e-mail of it. She has officially been adopted by my family, as she has recently tested her support system and they failed pretty damn miserably. That is the great part about gypsies, tramps, and thieves like we are...we will take anyone who wants to call themselves us. So, if they are still being jackasses, she's coming to my family Christmas...because she's my family now, Bitches. So, just suck on that one. I stuck a flag in the most awesome member of your family and claimed her. And I'll do it again to anyone I feel like doing it to, so just try to stop me. Call me Skanky H, Family Pirate. Arrr-r-r-rh, come with me and we shall sail the fun-time seas, spreading the unconditional love and support booty amongst us!!