Sunday, January 29, 2012


Okay, so part of the goal with riding the bus was to NOT spend money. It's to save money so I can get that car fixed. So, today rather than going to the mall, I went to the Goodwill for new trousers for work. Work pants are a necessity not frivolous, but they must be bought on the cheap for two reasons --First, I am losing weight so they won't fit in about a month. Second, save remember, gotta be saving money not spending it. I totally ruined this concept last week by buying a V-day gift for someone who is not my boyfriend. Even if I love him, he's not...because he says he's not.

But, the fact that I'm an overly romantic idiot has been discussed again and again and simply will not change. Ha, ha. With all of this said, I did manage to pick up two nice pair of trousers at the Goodwill. One pair is gray and Body By Victoria and the other is blk with pinstripes from New York & Co. I also got a khaki skirt from New York & Co. All for $12 --mainly because the checkout lady didn't charge me for one pair of pants, but I didn't realize this until i got to the car. Sister picked up two new summer dresses and a rather cute skirt I might end up borrowing. I was also kind of having a rather lumpy fat day so shopping for pants was kind of awful. Oh, well, mission accomplished.

However, then we went to Shopko for some things she needed. There was a very cool red alligator skin wallet on clearance for $6. I couldn't walk away from it. I needed a new wallet. Then we passed into the electronics section and I was perusing the phones, as I kind of hate how cheap and janky mine is...or was I should say, because I bought a new phone. There was one on sale that had a camera and could play music ringtones and had a keyboard so I might be able to text once in a while as the old one had this system of texting where I had to push the button four times to get an 'S'. I hated it. So, now I have a new cool phone, as pictured above. I was even able to transfer over my old number and all my minutes. Awesome! So, it only cost me in the fact that I had to buy it and it was on sale. Well, then I needed some ringtones, and I did get on-line and buy some cool hardcases for it. So, there was that. Now I think I need more memory for it, but on the up and up, it only can handle a 4gb microSD card and they are selling those on Amazon for $5.

So, I'm having coffee with K tonight. He has an Amazon Prime account so I figured I would ask him to buy it because that means he gets free two day shipping on whatever he buys from there. So, the cost should be minimal. I am still trying to curb my spending and I'm doing well, I just need to keep it up.

The phone rocks, btw. It plays Party Rock Anthem when people call me so I dance around and look like an smiling fool. And my text tone is Bulletproof by La Roux. I think it's figgin's sweet. Plus, now I can take pictures of the strippers. And who doesn't like pictures of strippers?

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