Monday, January 16, 2012

Only What You Can Afford

Feeling haughty today. Pretty, prancy. Yep, we have vaulted back from a week of blah, blah, blah bloodshed to our normal vivacious self. Well, we, as in the royal we, are always ourselves, but now were are just not crazed and hormone driven. With that said, now I'm all restless and wanna go OUT. I chalk it up to too much dance music on the old playlist. Or the fact that the bestie was all out this weekend.

And I did go out. Last night was dinner and a show with the Nerd Prince and it was most enjoyable. But, this is more....I need a crowd, some wild drinking and karaoke. And it's just not going to happen. Thanks to MLK jr day I do have today off work, but that makes tonight more of a Sunday night. Not what I want, which is, you know, get dressed up and go out and get laid like a college tramp. Perhaps it is the loss of Mr. EU/PA, who was simply and easy booty call away, but today I have the pronounced need for petting and compliments. 'You're so pretty kitty, commere and let me pet ya for awhile', that type of thing. Repress, repress, repress. Don't need it, don't need it, don't need it. So, today we work out hardcore...just severely exercise that inner tramp out until we ache all over and are too tired to think about it or want it at all.

I've honestly come to the conclusion that I must have some kind of over-active sexual center in my brain or maybe that sexual peak woman hit in their thirties is absolutely true. I muse that what I am really looking for may be an incredibly mature 20 yr old, or an older thirties pervert. Boys my age just don't seem to be interested in it. I know that is a crazy thing to say, but if all my dating indicators are correct they all seem to be looking for a girl who works out, lives clean, and wants to simply talk and enjoy interests with them (they've had quite enough sex, thank you, but no). It's weird, like I have not changed, but that the game itself has changed. It also has a lot to do with the fact that when I am getting it from somewhere, I get all clingy and possessive then they freak out and put the brakes on. I think it's not even the elusive 50/50 anymore...I may just need that dude who gets clingy and possessive back.

The proof is in the pudding, guys, as I received an olive branch of 'friendship' from Mr. EU/PA. That's right, he tossed the offer of casual sexual partners for being 'friends'. Every damn time it happens, my mind rings out that, "I like seeing you. I just can't see us being together." I like some of you, but not all of you, so how about I take only what I want? I'll pay half, but I can't afford all of that.

*Update: May have been a little harsh on the boys on this one. Was briefly reminded by someone that, "at least they want to be friends" is still a very cool thing most of the time....most of the time.

1 comment:

Brewmaven said...

Dude, the sexual peak is totally true. There are some days where I could just jump the next random guy who walked through the door. It's amazing anyone can function in society like this.