Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday!!

After an obnoxious amount of flubbering about, K saved my bacon and said that he would just take me to Risky's today for the game so I don't have to rely on my roommates decision to go somewhere or not. I am so excited I can hardly stand it. The boy is a master of recovery. I was all hormone crazy and strange for the last two days. Today, I am feeling back to normal, with a topper of game excitement and a dash of naughtiness. We were talking on the phone and I was so excited I was like, "Yeah, see you later. I lo-o....uh, yeah bye." Yeah that's right I nearly told him I loved him. I am so f-caking ridiculous. But, that is how totally happy he made me today. I don't even care if the rest of the day goes well or not...that was worth it. He can be just the sweetest thing next to a honeybee drowning in marshmellow fluff sometimes.

So, woohoo! Oh, and really, more of my blogs need to have comments about strippers or sex in general as my readership for that day was 30 and for yesterday was an abysmal 5. Really? Yep. Sometimes my life is really fun and spicy and some days it really is just mundane and repetitive. That is just how it goes people. I can't be exciting all the time?! I get tired, hormonal, and sad sometimes just like everyone else. So, everyone just has to suffer and wait for the fun ones. :)

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