Saturday, February 11, 2012

I'm So Evil Sometimes...

Okay, so ya know how some days I am really good and sweet and nice. Well, some days I am just awful and evil. See this photo? Nice, yeah, she's pretty. See how it's saturated red? Well, there's a reason for that. As a Dating Scientist, sometimes I experiment, particularly on my dating website. I know you're saying, "If she's really serious about finding love she wouldn't piss off fate constantly by experimenting on the site." Yes, I'm aware. However, the site has really been interesting this close to Valentine's Day --there has been an incredible pick up in the e-mailing as I mentioned before, however there has not been an incredible pick up in the quality of these gentleman desperate to find something, just anything that will date them.

Now, in nature, it is often the brightly colored plumage of the male that is used to attract the female of that species. It's all over the place, birds, fish, mammals, the animal kingdom is just chalk full of examples of this. So, as an experiment I took one of my pictures and saturated it red. Red is a passionate color, an eye grabber, a power color. It's also one of my favorite colors, coincidentally. Photo is somewhat neutral...not cheesy smile, just straight, as few facial lines as possible, hair worn down slightly romantic curls, big eyes looking mischievously out of frame (perhaps at you). And a POP of color. So, I put this up today and am monitoring my profile views to see if the number increases.

The results so far have been terribly interesting. It has gotten noticed and in a big way. E-mails increased, profile views increased....however, and this is the really interesting part, the age of the e-mailers and viewers has dropped sharply. We'll say that previously I would get mostly e-mails and views from gentleman around the age of thirty. I'm thirty-ish so this is very cool with me. After posting the new photo I have been astounded to find myself being propositioned no less than four separate times by boys who are twenty-ish (One was 19, another 20, and two 23yr olds). Now, this kind of weirds me out as I am not into kids and all of them were very much kids. Good looking, sweet kids. I'm gonna keep the picture up until Valentine's Day and take it off after that, but I consider this one a very fun and positive experiment, maybe next time I'll try blue or green. Dating Scientist Out!

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