Monday, February 6, 2012

Over Already?

Okay, so it's least for a while. Football season has ended. Sigh. Yeah, I know, it was a fun time while it lasted. I had a good time getting into it this year...really fun. I even feel like I may have taken K down with me. We had a super excellent time going to watch the Super Bowl at Risky's last night. The commercials were funny. I wish the Pats had won, but hey, that is okay. TBrady Magic can't make the WR's catch if they are simply not gonna catch. Still, I will miss the excitement of a game every weekend for a while. Prep for next year's league is already going on.

This next week is a super busy one, even if I have today off. Tomorrow will be straight work, as much as possible. Wednesday (payday) work then 'Woman in Black' and Don and Millies with ever sweet K. Thursday, half day and dental appt. (shiver). Friday, work then FAC with old buddies from previous work, if they don't all bail on me. Must mail V-day stuff by Friday, if it's going in the mail. Then maybe a weekend to myself.....then dun, dun, dun...actual V-day week. I am dreading it, however, there is fun thing as I already have semi-tentative date plans for sometime that week (Not on V-day). Nothing in stone, mind you, but did have an offer to go out from someone I haven't heard from in a while, which was, in a strange way, kind of nice. I know I'm being vague about it...but that is how it is with this one...vague. No need to get overly excited about a 'maybe, kind of' date that might not even happen.

I will say this about V-day though, as much as I hate 'Single Person Awareness Day', it sure does light a fire on a dating website. Suddenly the old inbox lights up with sadly desperate dating offers and thinly disguised come-on's. Hilarious. Like some tapped these boys lightly on the shoulder and then screamed at them, "Hey, how do you like being alone?! You had better find a girl, and do it quickly!"
I even got an e-mail, finally, from Mr. Calorie Counter, who had not seen fit to e-mail me after our date two weeks ago, blah, blah-ing about how he'd been really busy and now wanted to talk. Really, he thinks I am desperate enough to keep talking to him...yeah, no, moved on to other stuff. See ya. Boys are friggin' idiots sometimes. Did I give you the vibe that I have nothing better to do then wait on you? Because I do. So, that was that. He was easy to toss, good looking, but not that interesting, ego the size of a country in Europe. Now, if I could just figure out the ones I'm concentrating on that would be a miracle of god. Also, in nature's most ironic of turns, I will likely be out of romantic circulation over the dreaded date itself. Funny, isn't it? Yeah, a bloody riot.

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