Monday, March 5, 2012


I am terrible. I have not been blogging. Really it should be easy, but I have some good excuses this time. The weekend was very busy actually, Most of it involved fun activities with the Nerd Prince who was really top notch good times all weekend.

There was a bit of a new development on the dating front as I got a number of e-mails and finally a date with a gentlemen hence forth to be known as 'The Doctor', as he is dangerously close to being a doctor of English (Has a masters in creative writing no less). He was a contact on the new paying site. Not sure yet what to make of him as our first date was on Sunday night. Unlike some of the others on the free site he is about ten years older than I am, which is very interesting. He is severely intelligent, although looks exactly like what I would call up in my mind of an English professor. Not incredibly attractive, but attractive, articulate. At the end of our first date I got a rather unexpected and exciting kiss. So, I have decided that if he asks me out again. I'm gonna go. In fact I am nervously awaiting some kind of e-mail from him.

Whereas this should put me in a good place, because the Prince and I are friends, good friends, in my mind it doesn't. I am terribly afraid to tell him I had a nice date with someone else. I mean, I know that there is nothing he could do that would make us not be friends -we are too far in for that to ever happen -but, I'm not sure how he feels about it. We've never openly discussed it. I mean we skirt the issue and are getting more comfortable talking in generalities about dating and kidding around about it. But, I am that girl who has problems seeing things that aren't there, remember. I want to be able to tell him about it and laugh and ask him his perspective on it, but I don't want to make him uncomfortable or, god forbid, he has some kind of romantic feelings for me and gets mad and never wants to talk to me ever again.  I would be utterly crushed. So, what do I do? I will have to think on it. We are having dinner tomorrow.

I went and got my nails done on Sunday, but the lady who did them left them a little long for my tastes so typing has been somewhat difficult. Then this morning I thought I had an eyelash in my contact, but it is some kind of stye, so I had to take my contacts out and throw them away. I rubbed my great-grandmother's wedding ring on it so hopefully it will start going away. But, this puts me squarely in a pair of six year old glasses that are a prescription or two off from what I should be wearing. I can see, but no well, and I think I look fucking ridiculous. My real glasses make my eyes look like pinpoints and they are thick. Really thick. I hate them, but it looks like I will have to wear them for at least a couple of days until my eye heals up and I am not happy about it.

However, considering all the things I see and don't see....I really must be metaphorically blind, so why not literally for a few days.

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