Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Year In Review

Ah, the last day of 2011 and as normal, I am taking a moment to reflect how this last year has changed me. The wonderful and the horrible all mixed into a set number of days, measuring down my not so free time as a commodity. So, let's just have a think on it.

A year in WORK: At this time last year I am beginning to freak out that I still don't have a job. Unemployment is helping and keeping me calm for about two months, but as Feb nears I am still not closer to an elusive job. I get an offer, but as my new diet is making me rather diluted I lose it before I even start a day there, if you know what I mean. I am devastated and near desperate in May when I do finally get a low-level entry position at the Bullseye. The job has horrific hours and bad pay, but it is a job and I do it. Keep looking...finally get an interview with the State after submitting no less than twenty three applications. Get a job there and it is great, good pay and good hours. Just what I wanted. Then get promoted after one month. I am job awesome --great pay, good hours, work not hard. So, now sitting at job perfect.

A year in LOVE: Decide in February that I am finally right in the head enough to start looking for someone to be with me. I research and chit-chat with boys. In March we stumble upon a rather sweet Nerd Prince. He is severely interesting, sweet, handsome and we date. In July he takes me to an art museum for my birthday and we get physical. I start having blinding fantasies of him rescuing me from my mundane existence. We break up in August. Not only does this resurrect all the wonderful things I remember about being in love, but we are reminded that it is short and fleeting and the one real person you can depend on is you. Heartbreak rules September. I dust off and we decide to be friends. Start looking again. Good dates, bad dates. Find new boy Mr. No-Show who f*es me around for nearly a month. Find different boy, Mr. Emotionally Unavailable, but Physically Available. Have a fling. And that is where I am now. If I could get my Ex-friend and Mr. EU/PU morphed into one boy --I would be married. As yet...I will continue the hunt.

The year in LIFE: As of right now, I have lost a total of 45lbs and I am well on my way to that goal of 130 to 35 as a healthy life weight. I'm really proud of that. It was not easy. I made positive changes in the lives of people I know. Spent some wonderful times out with the Bestie and some nights crying over e-mails from her. Got third in my fantasy football league. Fell in love with Tom Brady and became a Patriots fan. Made some cool new friends, really loved well some of my old ones. Did some awesome things with my family, and worked through some crisis with them. Watched my parents age. Attempted to remain ladylike as much as possible. There were so many good thing and bad things I've lost count, honestly, but it's all been worth it. We rise up strong and proud, true to myself and those who have chosen to love me. I am a work in progress, a pretty picture that changes as you look at it. A fighter with purpose, love, and drive, who is ready for the next challenge ready to face a new year with fervor and delight. Bring it on!!

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