Friday, October 14, 2011


So, yeah, I'm so tired I can barely move. My eyes are fuzzy behind my contacts and even the coffee is turning my stomach this morning. My wind-up key has run completely down --even typing is kind of difficult.

I went in to job #2 yesterday and tried to talk to someone about a leave of absence last night and was told it could only be used for 'educational' purposes --not if you got another job and that basically I had until the end of the night to decide if I wanted to put in my two weeks. Well, the decision had pretty much been made for me yeah, I put in my two weeks and told them the last day I was available to work was before that weekend I had requested off to see my Grandma (that they had incidentally scheduled me for anyway). Really, just f-that place right in it's ear. I had tried working with them and working with them and they made it nearly impossible to stay. I would update my availability and they would not even look at it and schedule me the way they wanted. Well, too damn bad. No, I will not let you ride me. No, I do not want to work Black Friday, at all. You didn't pay me enough to live, so I had to go get a new job. And finally, you did not give me any hours when I asked for them and had a totally open availability ---you chose to wait until I told you I could not take those hours to put me on the schedule. There is also little or no room to move up and it is clique-y and terrible to work here some nights. So, there. Suck on that one.

Anyway, gotta get going on the day.

1 comment:

Brewmaven said...

I have to say I'm happy you are quitting that job. Now you'll have time to work out and have an actual life besides work. You'll be a happier, skinnier person because of it. :)