Thursday, October 6, 2011

Prettier, Smarter, Funnier, much less Single

I was looking around for inspiration and found it on you tube. So, here, be inspired too. Today's a new day. I know the song is a little 'Jesus-y', but my grandma said I need to be grateful since he did listen to me about the new job, and it is good manners, of course. It's not just me, check this out (there is a girl in there that actually says 'good dating material' it really hit home for me):

I've been feeling a little exhausted. Have put on three pounds since Monday, which has been absolutely crushing me. I am afraid with the new office job that I will get fat again. I can't go back...there is no going back. I even had to skip working out on Tuesday because I was working 16 hrs, then got 5 hrs of sleep and did another 8 hrs on Wednesday. I feel it is a valid excuse, however, my fat cells took the opportunity to re-group and attack again. It really did not help my mood. Now I feel puffy. Great Puffy.

So, we are going to work out hardcore this weekend. I will be working at the old bullseye both nights so hopefully the constant movement will restart the metabolism. Can't say I'm excited about it, but the new job certainly let's me not give a sh*t like everyone else working there, which is kind of refreshing. I am once again having dinner with the Ex on Friday night. Should be fun. He also had an interview this week and was offered a new job, although not sure he's going to take it, I guess. I hope he does, he has nothing but bad stuff to say about the current job he works and maybe he'd be happier --but then again, what the hell do I know about making him happier.  Nothing obviously. --This is another point of exhausted discontent for me this week, a bit, if you couldn't tell.

The whole dating thing is so hot and cold/ on and off. This week I talked to a few guys, all of it lead to....going out on Friday with the Ex. Not that they were bad, they were just not 'right'. It's hard to describe, even for a writer. I once again tire slightly of putting myself out there all the time. Mr. Right, come get me God damn it. I am sick to death of waiting around looking gorgeous, being smart and charming all the time. Where is my cuddle on the couch? Where is my 'Baby, I thought about you all day'? Where is my 'Hey, welcome home. I missed you'? Huh? I've been really patient and really good. I want it. There are great things about being single. Really, there are. But, I miss, not simply the passion and excitement of being in love, I miss the comfort of another human being occasionally. When I have a bad day, there is no one at home to hug me, tell me everything will be alright, that they are proud of me and love me. This is not to say I am not grateful for my family and friends who support me, always, in great ways, but if you have a know what I'm talking about. I want it back, so I'm gonna work on it until I get it. I'm gonna get it back.

So, smile, that's what I'm doing. Getting up and making every second count for something more. I can do it. So, in the tradition of  Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger....I'm gonna be Prettier, Smarter, Funnier, much less Single. Just f*cking watch me.

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