Friday, July 1, 2011

Girls Gone Wild!

Crazy, and that's only after half a bottle of wine....

So, Today is everyone else's Friday --it's my bloody Tuesday. Worked a hellva close last night -long and tough and did not get everything done. Found out that the night before everyone was kept until 12:40am. Freaked out. They can't possibly keep us that late, can they? Well, it seems so. So, now I am totally nervous about meeting the BF after work tonight as I have no real idea who is closing and if they will be a prick and make us stay that late. Fingers crossed and just bust as much a$$ as possible, I guess. Shit.

Plus, I am particularly rundown as we have had the handyman here to fix the sink and a leaking window in the living room (which is caused by my bedroom window). So, yesterday I was awakened at 8 am by some guy on a ladder banging on my bedroom window. Fun. And he was here bright and shiny again this morning. I could go take a nap downstairs on the couch, but once I'm up that is pretty much how I stay --especially, if I would like more sleep, in which case, I will not be able to fall asleep.

And my shoulder muscle is still aching --as it is the one I use to put clothes on the racks at work and there was alot of that. Really, to finish this one off, I have the worst cramps I have had in a very long time - it feels very much like two lumberjacks sawing my guts back and forth with a huge crosscut saw. Pain pills are not even touching it. So, I will probably be a royal joy to work with this evening anyway. Volleying back and forth from irrelevant rage to weeping in the fetal position. I really feel a great deal of admiration for women who can just bebop through life and pretend that their period doesn't hinder them at all. Because it certainly hinders me. I am a very good actress, but sometimes I just can't pretend that I don't feel like I am quite literally dying. Can feel every cell seem to cave in and give way to being something entirely fragile and perishable. Gross.

So, I'm gonna take a nice long hot bath and see if I can't sort myself out before I have to come in contact with other human beings. Packed a nice outfit, hopefully I will have time to change after work as I hate seeing my date in my horrific work uniform. Don't see this one being a long date at all as I feel like crap and he is the last person I really want to take that out on. This also could be the worst time possible to critique something I've written as my thinking is primarily hormone driven, not backed by my usual rationale and calm. We shall see. I always give'em a chance, but really it is not going to be a good idea to tell the Rancor you disliked her novella unless you have an old bone handy to prop open the jaws that are meant to eat you.

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