Saturday, July 9, 2011

Art Date 2: The action packed sequel

So, after getting home very early this morning, I went to my place of employment and bought some serviceable khakis for work. Then I came home, worked out, ate a sausage biscuit, and took a brief nap. Got up --and got ready for my b-day art date with the BF.

It was so-o-o-o-o much fun. We did however only get to spend about two hours looking around as they closed at a ridiculous 4pm today. One of the really good ones is shown above, it is called 'The Return of Spring.' I thought it was really very good. Says spring to me pretty concisely. However, really there is nothing cooler than being right there in front of it and seeing that it is a huge painting -not just a tiny picture on a blog. The brightness of it and texture of it. Yet another wonderful thing to make you stop and appreciate art. Painting was the photography of the previous centuries. Beautiful and still around to be appreciated. It makes me want to take more corny pictures to leave for posterity.

Then we went for dinner at a southwestern restaurant called Stokes, it was pretty good and they make a very good corn chowder that I was very impressed by. And the whole time, we are chit-chatting and making jokes and just enjoying being around each other. The BF is an excellent driver, by the way, which I never take for granted as I am kind of bad driver. Then we came back to Lincoln and he came back to my house and we just watched 'G.I. Joe' in my room. I mean, I feel asleep a couple of times, but he was nice enough not to call me on it and let me sleep on his arm for a while. What a great guy and what a great day. Time with excellent people is one of the best gifts a person can receive for their birthday and I got it in spades from quite a few people I know who are cool recently -family included. :)

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