So, Date night tonight was dinner and a movie. I really wanted to see Captain America and we did. We went to Qdoba for dinner first, honestly, as far as Mexican food goes it was not bad.
The movie was good. I thought it was very solid and (for a superhero movie) not totally over the top unbelievable. Chris Evans was good, so were Stanley Tucci and Hugo Weaving. Not Tommy Lee Jones --it seemed like they had him in the film primarily to deliver some of the corniest one liners that the movie writers could come up with, delivered as dryly as possible. But, as a whole really not bad, I enjoyed it thoroughly --even though, as usual, some tall-ass guy sat in front of me and kept leaning forward so his head was squarely in the middle of my screen and five minutes before the start some other guy comes and sits next to me so I couldn't use my left armrest, which I really like doing. The BF was slightly more cynical about it finding quite a few faults with the movie even though he said he liked it too. Scale of one to ten, it hits a respectable 8 from me. And the PS was an actual preview for the new Avengers movie so make sure you stay for it. It was very cool and something I will definitely be attending.
So, on the whole the date was also positive, but (and you should have known this one was coming) whilst getting tickets the BF lets me know that he has to go into work late night after the movie. This would not be so bad, or as slightly unbelievable, if I did not know that he had started playing Minecraft on Friday (all night Friday) and Saturday night until 2:30 am. Sure, it is indeed feasible that he has to go fix blah, blah, blah, but it is a 50-50 shot he headed back to his house to game until the wee hours of the morning. Not that he would fib about that sort of thing, but....come on. No, I trust him, I do. It simply miffs me just slightly as I was planning on getting him someplace quiet, wrestling his clothes off, and using my feminine wiles to hold him hostage until breakfast. I even had some new moves and pajamas I was gonna show him.

Aren't those bloody adorable? I think they are. Obviously not so adorable that they could pull a man away from video games...errr, I mean, work. Sigh. Video Games, you have won this battle, but the war shall be mine as I fight rather underhandedly you will find.
Also, when I got home, Roommate T finally got his school truck and new neighbors are night moving into duplex that shares parking with us, which caused me not to have a place to park. So, I had to go inside and have everyone move their cars/trucks so I could get enough space to park. It was a pain the ass and pissed off sister K, so she was grumpy afterwards. Awesome. Plus, now we, or I rather, have to go talk to the new neighbors about parking. "You stay on your side of the railroad tie in the ground and I will stay on my side and we can both get out of our cars without hassle." Unless they decide to be a$$holes about it, which is the same 50/50 shot as everything else. Either way, parking has resurrected itself as an issue in my life which sucks.
All of this has led to a chest full of anxiety and just a bit of heartburn from the Mexican food. Splendid. Now, I need to come up with a date for Thursday. When I told the BF he should not try to invite me over to watch him play Minecraft, he threw back that it has some sort of multi-player option. Thinking about reinstating my membership in Girlfriends Against Gaming, or GAG, --as I was once a founding member.