Sunday, May 22, 2011

The World Did Not

Okay, so yeah, I seem to still be here blogging today, so the world didn't end --good try Harold Camping. We'll see if the Mayan's were any closer. According to some people I was also supposed to have a flying car by now and doors that opened with a whoosh not a turn of a knob, but hey, the good news is we're all still here doing what we do, whatever that may be.

Today's agenda includes --lounging around in my jammies, all day...uhm...what else, nope, that is it. I watched a movie on OWN called Hachi, it's that one about the dog who waits for his owner after his owner dies, waits for ten years for him. It was lovely, inspiring and tragic. Made me cry a little. But, that's a good thing, I seem to have lost my copy of What Dreams May Come, which was my 'need a good cry' movie, so I haven't watched one in a while. May just take the day and watch movies --I haven't done that in forever. Just make some popcorn, crawl back in bed and watch movies. God, some days my life is awesome.

Also on a positive note, Saturday work went really well. The floor is definitely where I do my best work. Enjoy that little double entendre, true in both senses of it, as well. The trainer was awesome and really it is a lot more physical than simply cashiering. On the whole I liked it. We shall see. For now we have switched it to a thumbs up status. And speaking of positive, my little over worry about date night on Friday was totally unfounded. Date went great. The coffee place was not even as busy as the one downtown and even with the rain there was a little place outside to sit. We had dinner at the OC and just talked and laughed. Now, I promised previously not to kiss and tell, but the rest of the night went just as well and I skidded into home base about 3am, so yeah it was good.

With that said, my little sister sent me a link to one of her friends newly self-published Kindle books. I reviewed the Kindle option when I was looking to submit a couple of months ago and decided I didn't like it. It does not have a printed version option, the royalty structure was not great (although that has changed to a 70% now which is better), and a lot of the articles I read by authors who did publish on Createspace or the e-book only Kindle program had --slow royalties, problems with Amazon using wholesalers to under-price the books, bugs and submission problems --well, let's just say it was enough to scare me into submitting to some other on-line publishers rather than trying to scrape up enough cash to go the route A's friend did. However, there is really nothing like the feeling of getting that e-mail and knowing she is like 20 years old and published, neither of which I am right now. Still, I have faith in the research that I did on this issue and the publisher I picked (although the waiting is still ridiculously long and stupid) and must rely on that right now to make me feel better.

Another bit of a downer, although not a world-ender, is that the bf has some great family plans for Memorial Day weekend and my schedule this week does not fit very well with his, so we  had to schedule the next date in June. Which seems like a very, very long time away now. Especially considering I don't really have any Memorial Day weekend plans at all. Suck-tastic. I'm kind of hoping he at least thinks about me occasionally while having a spectacular time. Sigh.

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