Saturday, May 14, 2011

Geek Chic

Hey, bits and geeks, today's blog is about how much I love engineers. Love them --love, love, love them. Computer Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Chemical Engineers, Train Engineers --sigh.

So, today I slept in because I am party 'on-call' tonight, as I was last night. This much like any 'on-call' assignment means you must be prepared for that call to action. So, last night I got dressed up at around 6:30 and waited patiently by the computer for a call. At ten-ish I received orders that my services were not required that evening. Which really was alright, I am super flexible girl until I start working again on Tuesday. So, I stayed up and read some e-mails and then went to bed with the intention to sleep in late so I could stay up tonight for another 'on-call'.

This would have worked out if my bestie's husband had not showed up to deliver my new desk. OMG I felt like such a shlub -greeting someone in my bathrobe with my hair standing up very much like Christopher Lloyd's do in Back to the Future. "Great Scott, Marty, I just got out of bed!"

He was kind enough to act like I did not look like a frightened hobo, but yeah, we looked pretty bad. He was nice enough to not only haul the pieces in, but he helped me and my roommate put it together. In like fifteen minutes --it was amazing. I love to just sit and watch very competent people work and this was so cool. Just bam, bam, bam and it was up -new desk. Now, I know this would have taken me probably two hours to do and with no directions, a lot of personal frustration. So, Thank You.

I spent the whole rest of the day, decorating it and putting my TV on it and Mr. J said I could hook my laptop up to my TV which I was not really even aware of. Awesome --so I am a VGA cord away from using my big TV as my monitor and actually being able to watch some Hi Def things on my Hi Def, TV, which I have not been doing previously. Rockin'.

And all it took was an engineer. Every one of them that I have ever met, except for Todd the douchebag, has been a really awesome person who thinks in magnificent lines that simply escape me. It's really the difference between figuring out something tech and functional and I would look at the exact same thing and be like "I wonder if I could fix that with paper mache and Popsicle sticks, then maybe a magical dance around it and some tempura paint mixed with glitter? Or maybe it just needs a hug?" Hmmm. Maybe, that's exactly why I like them. Really, it probably boils down to that 1950's housewife loves handyman sort of need.

"Hi, oh, you're here to fix my computer?" Yeah, I like that. 

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