Sunday, April 10, 2011

Positively Deep

This one is for the losers. It’s for the lost and the hopeless. The trapped and oppressed. It’s gonna be more Confucius style poetry then straight up flow of consciousness, so read forth if you dare.

No one stays down forever. Be still, stay quiet, get high from the drug of your potential. Let it rush your brain and take over. Be happy because it pisses other people off. Feed that tiny spirit animal in your guts, so it can grow up to be what it is supposed to be.

‘No’ sucks, but it is your choice to accept it or not and sometimes it is the right answer. You can’t make people do or say what you wish, but you can do it yourself.

You can think that things happen or believe there is a plan or a force behind it, but anyway you look at it, things keep happening. Observation is important. Action based on observation is intelligence.

No matter how you feel about a situation, there is a right way to handle it and a wrong way, determining this is what makes our character. Some people are villains and some are heroes, but everyone believes they are heroes.

Being genuine, sincere, and considerate are always good ideas. People do crazy things all the time, so make yours count. Stop thinking about what you deserve and start earning things.

As time goes by people will find pictures of you, they will laugh at your archaic dress, but will notice most if you are smiling or not. Things considered unachievable will be achieved. Impossibilities will become possibilities. And even if you are in Junior High, time will indeed fly, sooner then you expect.

Cherish moments, take more photographs, have a dessert, be kind to a stranger, stop being obligated to do things, love without motive, be brave, let criticism make you better, dance silly and laugh, realize you are a wonder of this world, and be grateful. Touch your friends mentally, socially, and physically whenever you can in a positive way.

Everything is going to be alright.

(That one is just in case you need to hear it and because it’s true.)

1 comment:

BrewMaven said...

Confucious Say: You are wise, like the owl. Which likes to eat mice and barf up their bones in pellet form. So that means you are also efficient. And you probably have a talent that could get you into a traveling circus.
(Hmm...I guess that was more Jack Handy than Confucious)