Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Evil of Tuesdays

Hey, it's Tuesday. That's right. Crappy Tuesday.
I don't hold too many superstitions, I really don't. However, I have been absolutely convinced that there is an epic battle being waged every single week and it is the Evil of Tuesday Vs. Good Thing Thursday.

Why do I feel that way? Ah, because bad things happen to me on Tuesdays and good things happen to me on Thursdays. Consistently. Now, today was not bad, but that is as good as a Tuesday ever gets. So, if you lived through it, you are doing awesome. I had two different job interviews today. I 'think' both went relatively well. I will never say that an interview on a Tuesday went totally well, they simply can't due to the evil inherent in a Tuesday. One did garner me a second interview to be held Friday, though, so that was alright.

My Ex broke up with me on a Tuesday. I quit a job on a Tuesday because I could not stand it. The last day of my last job was a Tuesday. Tuesdays, you can't be prepared for them because you prepared for a hectic hella Monday, so by Tuesday you don't have much left. What's worse is that you still have three more days until some kind of break. Gheesh. It's bloody awful.

So, just keep your head down and get through, it's a Tuesday, they are survivable.

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