today's, rant, I mean blog is in reference to an article I read on Yahoo this morning called '5 Reasons You May Be Single', to give it a frame it is Match.com that puts out this tripe. Now, I like most people will read dating articles in the hopes of
learning great tips and tricks for good relationships and dates. This article did nothing, but piss me off.
Look at this happy girl in the picture. I mean she looks happy, right? Wrong. According to this article she is sabotaging all her dates by her 'not positive' thinking. No wonder you are single, you poor pathetic looking girl, the thoughts inside your head are awful, wrong thoughts of finding happiness and security in a long loving lasting relationship. You should be thinking of manipulative ways to really snag one and make him miserable.
So, I have developed my own --top five reasons this girl is single. Ya ready for them, some may surprise you.
1). If I really were looking for a relationship, I am more than capable of finding one and locking in. Sadly, I am not really trying. I enjoy getting the whole bed to myself and not having to ask someone to spend the money I earned on shoes.
2). The male community is not putting forth their A game on this one. I have been looking and sure there are some pretty ones out there. But, when they open their mouths the best thing that comes out is drool. If you say you're funny, be funny, not an asshole.
3). I like being single. Sure, it's a bitch to file taxes single every year and be ass raped by the government for it. But, if my biggest worry is being accosted by a family member asking me why I still single. I think I can handle that.
4). If I am not entirely focused on my relationship and its up-keep, I am allowed to
focus on about a billion other things that are worthy of time. I write, I keep up with friends, I give focus to honing skills like writing, exercise, being creative, and having fun.
5). My attitude, though I think is positive most days, is indeed my attitude. If I am fronting on a date with an attitude that is not my normal one --why the hell would a guy want to be with someone he won't recognize the next day. I like my attitude, it's taken me years to
develop it, so I'm keeping it. Because I like being me --single and happy me.
Now as a final thought on this, let me just say, yeah, there are days when I get lonely. Even people IN relationships have them. But, it is normal. Just like it is normal for humans to want what they don't or can't have. It is much more difficult to see, really see, everything you have and be content and grateful, but that is what we need to work on because that will make you a truly happy person.
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